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Hello !

from New Zealand.



Hello!  My name is Robynne. I've been seriously studying  astrology since 1993, and have always found it a fascinating subject, there is always room for more exploration and a deepening understanding of the archetypes of the zodiac, and how our original birthchart leaves an imprint on our life from the moment of entering the world. To some degree the movement and rotation of the planets refer to and reflect back on our progress and process, but still for each of us, our natal chart is like our foundation or home base, the energies still report back in to our innate way of being. At times this can represent a source of challenge and conflict, at others the energy runs more smoothly as if the 'force was with us'.


My real interest in astrology has been to understand how we each have our own unique patterning, to develop an understanding for why we each experience our reality in different ways, and how we can finding meaning and relevance to life through exploring our own chart and its potentials.


Oftentimes, when going through difficult life experiences I've said 'I wish they'd written a manual for this', maybe the birthchart was the blueprint or manual, offering us each some guidance to help us a bit on our way.


If you would like me to look at your own birthchart, please get in touch using the contact link in the menu bar above.

I hope I can be of some help.

Robynne Black

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