Neptunian String Theory
16 September 2016
There has to be a beginning somewhere.. and with the upcoming full moon at 24′ Pisces in the morning, this is as good a place to start as any.
Keep in mind that Neptunians are attuned to subtleties, these are the people that hear the whispers long before the shouts are heard, in fact by the time it gets to shouting, they are long gone, they’ve sensed the mood, their sensors are alerted and they’ve cleared out already, this sense of premonition or attunement to their environment is probably their best defense and saving grace.
If you watch a schoal of fish always in perpetual motion, or birds migrating before winter is setting in , you’ll start to understand. For musicians its more like one of those musical jams where everyone is in accord, tuned in to the same beat and rhythm and the inspiration is flowing well.
How do they know to move in what seems like random motion but is actually synchronised formation, to co-ordinate their motion, timing and patterning with such seeming less effort?
To others more obtuse it might seem uncanny and almost psychic, but really it is a combination of knowing your environment, sensing the mood or weather approaching, knowing and adjusting to the atmospheric conditions, and to really synchronise with others you have to be able to wing it, its more of an intuitive than structured type of approach. This is no straight forward A – B path, its more like a long and winding road, full of curves, detours, rocky terrain and often near misses, navigating to ever changing conditions.
The key word here is 'resonance'.
But.. the beauty of the dance or song is actually in the impromptu patterning.
Its life, responding to its own rhythm and its all about flow.
Can you hold back the ocean? Probably not, but you can learn to navigate the waters.
Robynne Black ©2016